From the birth to the throne


Frederick II

Federico was born on December 26 1194 in Jesi, in the marche, from emperor enrico VI of svevia and costanza d altavilla. He lost his father at age 3 and his mother at age of 4. The manin charge of regno of sicily was also in charge of Federico. His mother costanza before she died gave u custody of Federico to pope innnocenzo III. Inspite of this , were the german knights, with uncle Federico Filippo, who reigned over Germany, who took care of baby Federico.

Accession to the Throne

Pope Innocent III

A few years later pope Innocenzo III came back to take part of Federico lifes. In 1208 he declare of a major age and 1209 he arranged the marriage with Costanza d’Aragona. While busy dealing with the empire and rivolts in Sicily and Calabria, Federico had few prospective to enlarge his empire. Emperor Ottone IV came down to Italy to retake the throne of the reign of Sicily. Doing so, it provoke the reactions of many-Pope, and many germans prince that were against an unification between the emperor and the Italian reign.

Emperor Otto IV

Federico was the main figure of this opposition, and in 1211 a meeting of the germans prince took Ottone out of the throne and crowned Federico as king of romans. At this point Germany was divided into two fractions, the southern part recognizes Federico as their king on the other side the northen part of the country still followed Ottone. Ottone was defeated by English-french troop during the battle of Bouvines in 1218, however he remain on the throne until his death in 1218.