Politics wars of Federico II

In war with the Pope…

Papa Innocenzo IV

Pope Innocent IV

Federico had some issue with the Pope since the beginning, not only his crusade ended with a negotiation but also he never gave up the Reign of Sicily as also requested by former Pope Innocenzo III. The tension between the pope and Federico peek his highest limit in 1241 when Federico captured some priest around Elba island that they were going to Rome for a meeting with the pope. The meeting was reschedule and happened in Lion, France on 1241. During this meeting Federico was accused of heresy, disturbing the peace and they requested to gave up his throne. Nothing happened.

… And agaisnt italians city halls

Stemma Lega Lombarda

Alloy “Lombarda” crest

This clashes happened mostly in the northern part were a lot of the city halls wanted to keep their autonomy. From this the “lega lombarda” was founded, the same one that also went against his father Federico Barbarossa. On 1237 in Cortenuova Federico defeated the lega lombarda. The fight break out again but this time the city halls allied with the pope. Federico was defeated for the first time, in 1248 close to Parma. The following year the Bolognesi captured Fossalta Enzo, emperor son who died as a prisoner in 1272.